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Re: Autocross Parts book

To: steve bridge <slbridge@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Autocross Parts book
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 09:52:16 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, steve bridge wrote:

> A note about Keiser wheels... a friend bought some, the lighter of what 
> Keiser has available with the idea: the lightter the bettter...  his car is 
> too heavy for the wheels he bought and he keeps breaking them.  It has 
> nothing to do with their construction, just a note to buy for your 
> application and not what is cool or the lightest imaginable.   Steve

Good point.

I will offer that the latest tires are unbelievably "sticky" so the
loading that the wheels will see under hard use is considerable.

Case in point, a buddy runs a DMod Spitfire (I know it's not 6pack
material, but bear with me). To avoid having to bash his fenderwells for
extra clearance, he wound up with slicks that are really designed for
Formula Fords. Now, the difference in weight between the Formula Ford
(1100 pounds, I think) and the Spitfire (1600+) is considerable. You
should see the "rollover" that he gets when he runs that car hard. And he
keeps increasing the tire pressure to comensate, but he's really getting
up there (in the 30 psi range). Moral - the tire sidewalls are probably
running at or beyond the design parameters.

Oh well... I talked to "Hoosier Tom" yesterday about wheels. My 3-piece
Revolutions are probably eeking past thier normal sevice life (about 10
years)... so I have to start thinking about a new set of Panasport Ultra
Lites. They only weigh 11 pounds each.


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