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Re: Whats that racket?

To: lang@isis.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Whats that racket?
From: Lizirbydavis@cs.com
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 18:43:37 EDT
I bet your hypothesis is correct.  I can imagine that the sound I'm hearing 
could be a slack timing chain.  A couple of questions if you will.  Why do  I 
 hear none of this sound  across the RPM band when the car is at rest?  I can 
see how the "unloaded" side of the chain could have more slack when the car 
is being driven compared to the same RPMs when the engine does not have the 
weight of the car to pull.  But, when working under the bonnet, would I not 
hear something from the timing chain when I change the RPMs abruptly?  Is 
there a way to detect a problem with the timing chain, gears, tensioner 
without taking the cover off?  Tell me about Dick's distributor test.  The 
valve gear looks fine to me.  What can I do to ensure that what I am hearing 
is not related to a bad rocker  rocker shaft or cam problem?  The pitch and 
frequency of the sound seems much too fast for an isolated valve, lifter, 
push rod problem.  I bet you're right about the timing gear.  I'll let you'll 
Joe Davis   

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