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Re: Rear TR6 spring problem?

To: jjtarnow@yahoo.com (Josh Tarnow)
Subject: Re: Rear TR6 spring problem?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 13:00:12 -0800 (PST)
Josh---If the height difference at the rear of the car is only due to
the resistance of the springs, you can find out by swapping both springs
to the opposite side. This is a relatively easy job. This will only
change the side, but it may keep you from going elsewhere to look. You
might even see the difference in springs when they're next to each
other. It would be unusual to find an inch difference in the springs
alone, unless a previous owner mismatched them.  Follow the instructions
in a TR repair manual for this check.  If it turns out to be something
other than springs, write back. There are a lot of other accumulative
causes for such a height difference.


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