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Re: brake caliper rebuild

To: "Andrew Packard" <apackard@triad.rr.com>,
Subject: Re: brake caliper rebuild
From: "Bob Fabie" <RFabie@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 17:25:05 -0500
Go to this website http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/ and print the
instructions on how to rebuild your brake calipers. It's very
straightforward, easy to follow and it makes sense. I'm in the process of
doing it myself.

The "O" ring inside each caliper is available at MOSS for about $1.40 each.
The pistons are about $15 each. The stainless steel pistons are considerable
more and are probably recommended if you're using anything but silicone
brake fluid. Inexplicably, the caliper rebuild kits (which do not include
the "O" rings, are very expensive at TRF compared with MOSS - check the
catalogs and you'll see what I mean.

I plan to bead blast the calipers, with the old pistons in place BEFORE I
separate them. I then plan to have Fred Thomas powder coat them for me.

I hope this helps.

Bob Fabie
'75 TR6

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