On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 cm.sherman@verizon.net wrote:
> Need to re-stamp a replacement Commission Plate due the creasing the
> original...
> anybody have suggestions and/or done this before?
Errr, ah - I know this guy in another town... he's _very good_ at doing
this. Just don't ever buy a car from him.
Seriously, a well equipped machine shop should have a set of number dies
at the very least and really really well equipped ones will have letters
I have a set of numbers out in the garage somewhere, but no letters.
I need to make a comm. plate for the race car. Long story short - an
aquaintance got stopped for a tail light violation on his trailer (this is
for a race car). The local gendarme decided to be thorough and asked for
documentation on the race car. Being a salvage car, there were no numbers.
The car was impounded on the spot. The worst part - the guy had been
racing the car for years and nobody ever gave the numbers much thought.
I never heard the outcome, but the thought of someone impounding my race
car classifies as a nightmare in my book!
> Corey Sherman
> 1971 TR6 CC57269LO
> cm.sherman@verizon.net
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