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Re: Leaking Carbs

To: fdieterich@comcast.net (Fred Dieterich)
Subject: Re: Leaking Carbs
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:58:24 -0800 (PST)
Fred ---The first thing you'll want to do is identify which carb is
leaking. (or area between the carbs?) It could be from an O-ring gone
bad at the bottom of the float bowl. Or a sticking float level
controlled needle valve.  If you feel you are going to be the one
responsible to keep this car running, it would pay to get either the
Haynes ZS Carburetor Repair Manual, and/or the Robert Bentley TR6
Manual. (I think TRF still carries both of these)

Looking into either of these two causes of leaks should not be difficult
to find, or fix. A book describing proceedure is worth the price.

I don't think the problem to be in the fuel pump, or carbon canister, as
you mentioned. Fix the leak first, and go from there.


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