Taking apart my engine has been pretty straight forward so far, I had a hell
of a time pulling the head off by myself, but after hitting the head upward
with a hammer and a piece of wood all around the head a few times, the head
started to break free from the gasket.
Wow, what a back breaker!
I have a problem with the woodruff key in the crankshaft. Is there a trick
to getting this bad boy out of the keyway? I plan on trying some WD40 and a
visegrip to pull it out, maybe with a few taps against the visegrip with a
hammer to help it free? Any suggestions?
My rocker shaft is toast, I plan on buying a new (possibly harder) shaft
from one of the big three. Has anyone installed the external oil feed line
offered by the big three? If you have, did you install valve seals to
prevent burning oil? Do you think this extra oil to the top of the engine is
actually helping to keep the rockers, tappets, etc. oiled?
Westport, MA
1973 TR6 (Mallard)
Unlimited Long Distance only $29.95/ month!