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Re: Main Bearing Installation Woes

To: cwrm4@yahoo.com (William Maslin)
Subject: Re: Main Bearing Installation Woes
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 10:08:56 -0700 (PDT)
Bill---Your concern that the word "standard" on the bearing is not
necessarily standard can be checked with a mic.  It should be .092
thick. Compare its width to the stock bearing that came out, to be sure
it's not too wide to fit. 

One last caveat when using the "nail trick" in moving the bearing shells
in or out...If the head of the nail is of smaller diameter than the oil
passage that feeds the bearing, guess where the nail could end up?
(Don't ask how I found this out.)

Permatex makes a good gasket remover that comes in an aerosol can.

Dick Taylor

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