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TR6 Bonnet (Hood) catch

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: TR6 Bonnet (Hood) catch
From: Will <tr6@mac.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:06:34 +0100
Hi All,

Hope someone on the list has an answer to this as it's driving me nuts!

The bonnet began popping open whenever I hit a bump in the road, 
(i.e. all the time - I'm in London). I've been trying to troubleshoot 
this for ages, (the manual gives the helpful advice 'adjust as 
necessary'). I came up with the idea that if the plunger is shorter 
the bonnet would move less, and not get up the momentum to pop the 
catch. I adjusted by a turn each time & eventually seemed to have 
solved the problem. All was fine for many hundreds of bumps

Suddenly, after hitting a bump, the bonnet pops open - I screw in the 
plunger another turn. Next bump, up it comes again, and again. I can 
see no sign of anything being bent or needing tightening, and 
stupidly screw the plunger in by about 6 turns. Bonnet shuts nice and 
tight....can't open it! I set off to find someone to lean on the 
bonnet while I pull the release, hit a bump and the bonnet pops open. 
Obviously I have this whole thing wrong.

Thinking about it, the spring must pull the bottom of the plunger up 
to the edge of the catch regardless of any adjustment, so now I 
wonder just what adjustment to make to keep the thing shut.

Anyone have any ideas - apart from avoiding the bumps!


William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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