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Brake Switch/Flat black on transom?

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Brake Switch/Flat black on transom?
From: John Griffiths <John.Griffiths@uregina.ca>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 16:24:29 -0600
Hi Folks:

I've noticed a number of 6's in the past with their transom (rear end) 
painted flat black. Is that authentic/original/cheesy/only in Canada...?

Making HUGE progree on my car. I've fixed a myriad of messes in the 
dash and elsewhere thanks to Dan Masters and while I had it out, 
refaced it with veneer, (better $15 than $300...). It'll go back in 
this weekend. I only have one quandry and I think probably you have to 
be at the car to advise. Let's try anyway: the only wiring still 
disconnected is the brake switch/oil pressure light/brake trouble light
system. A previous butcher cut the black/purple at both lamps. They 
should be connected (they are now) and go to the brake switch. I 
understand the adjustment needed to reset the switch once it's 

So.. I connected the 2 BP wires at the bulbs (per Dan's schematic) and 
ran a BP (that's connected to the oil light) through the firewall (the 
previous one is non-existent). Touch this wire to earth when key on and
the brake warning light comes on. Patch one of the brake switch 
prongs to earth and touch BP to other: brake light comes on. "Hot" is 
probably coming from the voltmeter (whioch I remember is part of this 

So we have this BP wire AND we also have three others in close 
proximity to the brake switch hanging out of the wiring harness. 2 
(white with brown tracer and small white) have female bayonets on them 
while the third (black) goes to "earth". The switch itself, of course, 
will not accommodate any of these directly as it's a unique 2 prong 
connector. I can get a replacement female to join with the 2 pronger 
but which best of the 4 wires...? Any thoughts? 


Professor, Dept. of Music,
Development Director, "Mini-University",
Riddell University Centre 256.15,
University of Regina,
Regina, Sask.
S4S 0A2
(306) 585-5534
FAX: (306) 585-5549

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