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back on the road

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: back on the road
From: RWMook@aol.com
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 10:28:15 EDT
I have been following the list for almost two years. Joined 6-pack about a 
year ago. I have been working to resurrect CF 24149 UO for two years. When I 
acquired her she ran but that was about all. Two winters ago I was going to 
change out the rear hub, came down with shipwrights disease and wound up with 
a dizzying assortment of bags, boxes and piles of parts. Got the body back 
from paint last November (no rust, no filler and correct Mallard Blue). Moved 
everything to the basement and started assembling and ordering all those 
parts I had somehow overlooked during the previous year of research and parts 
restoration/aquisition. Yesterday she came to life. She looks and runs as 
new. She will hopefully never see a trailer. These cars are made to drive. 
A 1973 TR6 was the first new car my wife and I ever owned. We started having 
kids shortly thereafter and had to sell the '73' because of financial 
reasons. We loved that car and always wanted another. Now there is a 'new' 
1974 TR6 in the garage which will not have to be sold. 
I know this is a little long, but I just wanted to share my excitement with 
others who will understand. I would like to thank all of those on the list 
who have provided so much invaluable information. My questions were answered 
before I had to ask them. I feel as if I know many of you and look forward 
meeting those attending Trials 2002 in Granville in September.
Bob Mook
CF 24149 UO 
1974 Mallard Blue TR6

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