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Re: brake master/sugg

To: "Bernie" <bernd.vabeach@erols.com>
Subject: Re: brake master/sugg
From: "Valerie Stabenow" <hlub34a@aeroinc.net>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 16:33:20 -0600
The biggest thing is to make sure you work on a safe surface in a well-lit
area. It's important to treat the mc carefully and not damage the inside

Do you have any detailed directions at all? I can fax you the MC rebuild
instructions from my TR6 shop manual.

You need to take the reservoir off and replace the O-ring at the base with
the new O-ring in the kit. To take apart the MC itself, basically you remove
the circlip..that inner ring-thing with two 'ears'. There are special pliers
that will pull those two ears together and permit removal. Shake out the
inside parts. Note which cup seals went where. The flat side of the cup seal
is against the piston.

Examine the inside of the bore. If it looks worn, the rebuild kit will do no
good at all. If the bore seems that it has a bulge worn in it..it's time for
a re-sleeve or a new MC. Good SS resleeving is about $70-80. You may be able
to do better by buying a new one. Both Moss and Roadster Factory have sales
on right now.

If your bore is good, put a little clean, fresh brake fluid in the bore with
a clean finger. This lubes the inside so the parts will re-assemble.

Refit the reservoir, refit the MC, get out your bleeding kit and find
someone to do the pedaling so you can bleed the brakes.

If you haven't replaced any of the flexible brake lines on this car, this is
a perfect time to do that. The insides of these flex lines deteriorate and
will break down and impede the flow of the brake fluid. Easy for me to spend
your money!!!

Good luck and write back if you need more help.

Valerie Stabenow, 62 MGA MkII, 67 TR4a, 69 XK-E FHC, 73 TR-6, 81 Corvette

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernie" <bernd.vabeach@erols.com>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:13 PM
Subject: brake master cylinder

> I could use some help in talking me through rebuilding a brake master
> cylinder, I've recently ordered the repair kit from VB and was wondering
> someone on the list could give me some direction and pit falls I should be
> aware off, as usual all inf. and help is gratefully accepted
> thanks
> Bernie
> 74   TR6

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