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Re: Trailing Arm Bushings

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Trailing Arm Bushings
From: Timothy Holbrook <tjh173@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 05:20:41 -0800 (PST)
Do you have the uprated one piece type rubber bushings?  If so, this is
the type that I have in my trailing arms, and they are extremely hard
to put in.  I had them pressed in by a local mechanic and he told me it
was pretty tough.  The bushings are VERY hard, making them hard to push
in.  The three piece type nylatron or poly bushings are much easier to
use and should last longer.

Tim Holbrook
1971 TR6

--- John Zimmerman <JohnZimmerman@vandorndemag.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> The old bushings are out of the trailing arms and everything is
> cleaned up.  Are there any tricks for installing the new bushings. 
> The ones I got are the uprated ones from Moss.  I seem to remember an
> old posting about heating the bushings in boiling water to make them
> softer before installation.  Also, what is the best lubricant to use
> when installing them?  Is an anti seize compound OK ?  I will be
> doing this job in the garage with a large c-clamp. I'm lookingforward
> to getting the body back down on the frame as soon as a few more odds
> and ends are taken care of.  Any info and or hints will be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> John Z
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