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Re: Satin or Glossy

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>,
Subject: Re: Satin or Glossy
From: Mitchel Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 20:38:39 -0500
Hi Dick,

I guess the real look I'm shoot'n for is the depth that you and several
other listers mentioned. When I refinished the dash I short changed
myself on the Helmsman. I sanded and only applied 3 coats, with sanding
between each coat. Obviously not enough. It looks clean & new but lacks
the "deep" look. Just as wood floors are finished, base coats are satin
and the final coat determines the look of gloss or satin.
As far as "go fast" things, I think the pulley an the air box will be in
by the summer.
TTYL, Thanks to all for the help.

Mitch Seff
74.5 TR6
Oceanside, N.Y.

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