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Re: rocker spacers

To: pzs83j@ndc.gmeds.com (Chris Young)
Subject: Re: rocker spacers
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 00:45:25 -0700 (PDT)
Chris---The purpose of the spacers between the rockers, as I understand
it, is to reduce the friction that takes place when using the standard
springs. This supposedly results in "more horsepower." I'll leave it up
to others to decide if there's much to be gained from this expenditure.
Roller rockers work well to reduce wear in the valve train, especially
when using a cam with lots of "lift" and maybe stronger valve springs.
Again, the advantage won't likely be felt with this additional speed
equipment, unless the roller rocker ratio is also inceased from the
standard.  The cam itself should make a huge difference in the upper rpm
band. This is where I would spend my money first, other things being up
to the task...

Dick T

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