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idle problem and rising temp (additional question)

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: idle problem and rising temp (additional question)
From: RedTriumphTr6@aol.com
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 12:38:55 EDT
I thought of one more issue that I want you guy' thoughts on...should I 
purchase an electric fan to help with the temp problem?  Maybe the higher 
compression in my engine is somehow responsible for the rising temp at idle?  
If you think a fan would help, should I install it in front of or behind the 
radiator nearer to the engine?  (My car has air and part of the cooling unit 
is in front of the radiator so I think I may have a space problem?)  Also, I 
note two electric fans available; one is in the Moss catalog, while the other 
is in the recent catalog from BMH.  Is one preferred over the other, as the 
BMH fan suggests that I have to remove the original fan on my car...why? Or 
am I misreading what they state?  jTheir fan seems to be a 10" and is more 
adjustable over the temp trigger point (costs about $100 for the fan and $17 
for the thermostadt), while Moss offers the Hayden 12" fan for $140.  Any 
thoughts about which, if either, I should purchase?  Thanks!                  
              Bob Pierson

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