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electrical connections

To: <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Subject: electrical connections
From: "mike.allam" <mike.allam@ic24.net>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 16:38:47 +0100
Hi people,

Just a quick one - can someone provide me with some guidance regarding
electrical connections to the man/od gearbox (j-type) on the 2500S? The
Haynes manual is less than helpful.

>Firstly - which of the two switches on the >selector housing is the
>reversing light switch - the one on the side or >the one on the top? I'd
>rather *know* than use trial and error. :)

The top one is the overdrive inhibitor switch which makes the side one the

>Secondly - what electrical connections are >required to the overdrive
>solenoid? I'm assuming there's one earth >and one (switched from the
>gearstick top switch) live. Is this correct?

Yes, the live comes from solenoid via the gearstick switch through the
gearbox inhibitor switch [green/yellow]  (it does not matter which way round
the wires are connected to it) to earth.[black]

All The Best
                 Mike  :o))

///  2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list

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