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Re: Hello, anyone there Willie

To: tr2000 <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Hello, anyone there Willie
From: Graham J Nelson <gravee.leafoe@cwcom.net>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 00:16:07 +0000
Yes there is, me. After helping fix Mike Allam's alternaters way back 
last century I had to go to work and that for me was a four month stint 
so I signed off the group at the time. Since rejoining in June 2000 I 
too thought I had joined a funeral party. Very little traffic, 29 msgs 
only from 12 senders since June, most of them from regular contributors. 
As I was unable to offer help on subjects asked about decided to decline 
response to remove clutter. Today 5 msgs in one lump.

Mike can testify to the usefulness of the group as he should by now have 
a garage full of reconditioned alternaters (Before you pester him for 
one I still have the info needed to fix 'em). I received a lot of help 
regarding seat belts and other things so the group does have a value for 
specific items, problems and questions which query individual 
experiences. All the Technical Specifications, Maintenance Manuals and 
Magazines are no substitute for the lessons gained from the lost hair, 
broken fingernails and mucky hands. That said, when the car is running 
well, is there any harm done by a bit of chatter about what we do with 
our cars. This has been missing in recent months and like yourselves I 
don't know why. I, personally, found most of it interesting - sometimes 
amusing but most of all it stimulated people and out of it came "Oh, by 
the way, I have this little problem..." and we all learned something, 
not a bad thing.
Finally my car attended 2500 Register Cheshire Group shows last summer 
but is currently off road for the winter, the Primera is soaking up the 
salt on its behalf. This year my daughter as a thankyou for restoring it 
in time for her wedding in '99 has paid for its entry into the MSA 
classic. Not received confirmation yet on that. On the work side of the 
car not much. I have fitted a Bosch 56amp alternater and am much 
impressed with the difference. Awaiting traffic lights my indicators now 
sound real instead of the very slow tick that the 28 amp unit was 
capable of. Lights are brighter too so at least boy racing up can see 
them a little earlier.

Yes, there are alive members out there.


///  2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list

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