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A Happy(?) Christmas

To: "British Car Mailing List" <british-cars@autox.team.net>,
Subject: A Happy(?) Christmas
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 18:33:02 -0000
Friends of all marques

It's almost here again. We've endured the media hype, we've
been persuaded in our waking and (even sleeping) hours to
spend spend spend - and for what purpose?

Just a few days of excess that probably none of us need to
experience AGAIN because we are reasonably comfortable in
our current life patterns and traditions will soon make its
annual and inevitable visitation. As we snore by firesides,
gorge another steak at the barbecue, suffer another hangover
or whatever, our thoughts may turn to the older 'classic'
car which gave or is giving us pleasure in warmer days - and
reality returns.

We're so lucky. Notwithstanding the shortages we imagine we
may have (to meet our own needs) let us not forget to give a
little thought to all those who, through no choice of their
own and whether by accident of nature, or intervention of a
political / religious / ethnic policy, will literally be in
the cold in the coming special days and for some months
afterwards. Their plight is more deserving than the problems
we're having in finding body tubs, overdrives or "what was
the stock trunk lid handle in 19 whenever?" We'll probably
get what we need sooner than they will have what we
presently enjoy and take for granted.

Have a very Happy Christmas. The sort of Christmas many
remember from childhood when life *seemed* more predictable
and was more secure by virtue of its 'ordinariness.' The
children of today who are the victims of the actions of
their peers are entirely deserving of our special and
private thoughts and prayers.

Sermon mode off


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