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Help: Triumph 2000 free to good home

To: 2000-register@autox.team.net
Subject: Help: Triumph 2000 free to good home
From: s.marley@ic.ac.uk (Stephen Marley)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:11:20 +0100
Hi folks,
        Apologies if this message has reached this list in other forms as I
have asked around generally asking contacts to forward it to appropriate

        It is my very sad and reluctant duty to dispose of my deceased
brother-in-laws Triumph 2000.
        He specifically requested that we find someone who can restore the
car. It is free to anyone who can convince me of their ability to do this,
although a donation to a suitable charity would be appreciated.

        The car is a B plate Triumph 2000 in the white with blue roof
colours that some of the police versions carried (?). Owned by the family since
six months old and meticulously maintained, as both Chris and his dad
before him were engineers.
        Mileage is around 200,000, engine and box are original and in good
order. Car was running perfectly three (?) years ago when it was driven
into the garage and has been dry-stored there since. I imagine the brakes
will be seized and the battery dead but don't expect any other problems.
        Bodywork visible rust is restricted to bubbly arches but Chris
told me that there was some welding needed underneath. As he regularly
replaced sills without batting an eyelid it may not be straightforward but
I currently have not time to spare checking. Memory says rear spring
hangers but that's a bit of a fuzzy guess.
        Interior is a time warp. Seats, carpet etc are excellent original
condition and the fittings are all period, including the radio and plastic
deflectors on the side windows.
        There will be a LOT of spares as he always stocked up. Definitely
new sealed beams, front light surrounds, a bootlid and a box, plus spares
for the Strombergs. Until I have time to clear the garage, I won't know the
full extent.

        If someone can take the car on, it will be a great weight off my
wife's mind. I'd estimate we have about 4-6 months in hand, then I'll be
forced to call the scrap-man as the house will be sold. Car is in Berkshire
and I will have it dug clear and moveable by the end of this month.

        Anyone looking for a project should mail me at this address and
I'll sort out any extra details needed etc. I'll be tidying things up over
the last week of October so by early November I will be able to give a much
fuller report on condition, especially if someone could tell me what to
look for. My own love is Minis so I'm a bit lost when facing a Triumph and
with two kits and a Cooper screaming for attention I just cannot do this

                        Steve Marley

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