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Re: Triumph NewsGroup - HOWTO

To: "Gernot Vonhoegen" <gernot.vonhoegen@stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Triumph NewsGroup - HOWTO
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 21:07:58 +0100
>still don't see the point, especially where its beneficial to me. Now I
>download my e-mail which takes me say between three and five minutes. As
>newsgroup doesn't download, I have to stay ol for all the time I spend

Gernot certainly has a point to make, though I am in no way condemning
Asgeir's initiative.

Having read the proposal of how the newsgroup would work, as I see things it
differs probably differs little from the two digests that probably many of
us know, namely triumphs@autox.team.net and spitfires@autox.team.net.

Granted, the vast majority of posts on those two lists are from North
American based correspondents for the simple fact that the sports cars were
the only Triumphs sold on that continent from 1967 onwards. It was purely
through my intervention with Mark Bradakis in Utah who administers these two
lists (and probably some others as well) that 2000-register@autox.team.net
was established. It's possibly fair to say that Mark was a little
circumspect at my original request to create this new list for 2000's as he
felt, with some justification, that the number of subscribers would be
small. Because of that, I think he was quite reasonably not too willing to
compile exchanged messages into a daily digest (as seen on the triumphs and
spitfires lists) but to let them filter direct to subscribers via the
automatic majordomo facility. At a later stage, I feel sure he would have
been willing to increase the service scope. That is how the list presently
functions and its only by increasing subscribers to that list (and others as
well) that the 2000 2500 2.5 fraternity can be a voice to be heard and
stands the chance of one day soon (?) having its own daily digest for all of
us to enjoy.

My ten pennorth

John Macartney
Triumph 2000 2500 2.5 Register

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