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Triumph society and communication

To: 2000-register@autox.team.net
Subject: Triumph society and communication
From: Asgeir Nesoen <asgeir.nesoen@inl.uio.no>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 16:30:05 +0200
OK, this is my first posting to this list. I live in Norway, so this
internet/email channel is welcome, there's no doubt about that. However, I
find the current mailinglist a bit awkward, you receive mail no matter if
you're interested or not.

I have recently put up a NNTP (newsgoup) server at work, and in the process
I thought that I might set up a newsgroup for the big triumph society as
well! So I did, it's up and running as we speak...

The NNTP server is called       hfmac277.uio.no, 
and the Newsgroup is called     alt.autos.big-triumphs
No password or username required.

One of the advantages of such a list is that you don't receive any mail,
you open the mail that you would like to read. And one other thing, old
posts stay on the server, and can be read by those interested. New
readers/subscribers will be able to read and save old posts, and that is
clearly an advantage.

I am not saying that we should abandon the current list altogether, far
from it, but we could see if a Newsgroup is more fitting for our needs.

I think it is easier to discuss matters lightly when you know that your
post wil be read only by those interested in the matter. And that can only
be good for social function, as people will post more personal, and
slightly more off-topic letters. 

Anyway, I think the more remote members of the register would benefit from
a Newsgroup simply because while isolated, it is so nice to keep in touch
with other people in the same situation, and definetely not only the dry,
on-topic posts...

I think I will make a forward from the current list into the newsgroup, so
that no posts is lost.

And finally, I'd love to hear what you think of this idea, the triumph
register deserves to find the very best of communication channels, after
all. we're scattered around the world, (and a few lucky ones (yes, I am
talking about you brits) have area groups), and I think that a lot of
Triumph register members are willing to do whatever thay can to help others...


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