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Re: How many are we?

To: 2000-register@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: How many are we?
From: necro@maverick.mcc.ac.uk (Russell Tweed)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 09:12:08 +0100 (BST)
> April's SIXappeal should have reached most people by now and hopefully
> of you have subscribed to this list. I'd like to know how any have
> subscribed to the facility, so any chance of dropping me a quick note to
> me know who and where you are? Andy Thompson in Australia has shown his
> hand, I'm on-board too - anyone else?

I *think* I qualify as being here - though I'm spending far too much time
at the moment wrestling with the hazard lights and various flasher
unit-type things on my 2500S to actually count myself as *active* though!

For what it's worth, some bright spark had a flasher out of a Land Rover
in the hazard flasher circuit which it didn't seem to like very much. Hmm.

For want of a better discussion topic : What's the strangest thing
anyone's found inside when replacing a sill? I did mine recently and found
two radio aerials, a brown sock and three tesco's carrier bags. It really  
does make you wonder!


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