The Team.Net Automotive Servers

updated August 9, 1996

What is Team.Net?

Team.Net (Team-dot-net) is a non-profit, world wide group of thousands of auto enthusiasts, joined together by their common interests, and the internet. It was started as the Auto-cross and Rally mailing lists around 1989, and soon added the British Cars list. It has now grown to be the center of grassroots automotive activity on the Net. It is the home of many automotive Mailing Lists, Web Pages, ftp archives, and more.

The internet domain name was first registered on April First, (Yes, April Fools Day!) 1991, and now encompases several systems around the world dedicated to serving the automotive enthusiast.

More than a Virtual Car Club, it's a Share-Web. The current disk space on the main server, was purchased in 1994 with funds contributed by it's users around the globe. A similar campaign run in 1995 bruoght in funds for a complete server, paid for, and owned by the "members" of

The Team.Net web, ftp, and mail servers and mailing lists are managed by:

You can help!

Team.Net services are publicly available, and not-for-profit. If you find these web pages, mailing lists, or the Team.Net Automotive Archives server useful, we request that you send a donation of $10, $25, or more to help support the host computer, hard drive(s), and maintaince. So, if you'd like to contribute to this fund, send in a check, made out to "Fat Chance Garage" to this address:

Fat Chance Garage
PO Box 58333
Salt Lake City, UT 84158

Team.Net Webs Index Team.Net Mailing Lists