Kia Frontier

I know that a few of You will scream, but this the Dodge Ram of Kia. Based on the Sportage, it's only a prototype.

Kia Frontier

This car started its life as the M-Car project and developed into the Morning. Kia hopes that at the end of 1996, beginning of 1997 this car should be at the German dealers. It's the successor of the Kia Pride (the Korean version of the Ford Festiva/old Mazda 121).
Other Kia news: Sephia, based on the Mazda 323: modified for 1996
European debut of the Clarus which has a certain Mazda 626 in it.
The Sportage was exhibited at Kia and Karmann as well. The reason is simple: Karmann builds the car for the European market. Karmann will build the Sephia cabriolet as well.
The off-road division of Kia, Asia Motors displayed its mini-Jeep rip-off, the Rocsta. What a name!

Go back to the IAA report!
Copyright September, 1995
Paul Negyesi
Budapest, Hungary.
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