


This car is for sale by the Panorama Bay Motor Company (Tel: +44-1202-709-407 , Fax: +44-1202-709-407) and I spot the ad in a magazine and asked some pictures. The main reason was to include the car into this galery not to advertise it. But the man who sent the pictures asked for the inclusion of the above details and offered a small comission - so there You go. It was three years ago and the car is still on sale (April, 1998)!
Now, a few words about the car: The Wise book, said "strange attempt on an Alfa Romeo 1900 chassis some time in 1962. Are those actually vents around the headlamps". And Panorama Bay said: "1956 Alfa 1900SS coupe by Ghia. One of only 6 in the world and each one is different. 39995 pounds".

© April, 1998
Pal Negyesi
Budapest, Hungary.