Peugeot 406 - specials at Frankfurt '95

First, here's the...
... 406 Stadium
"With the 406 'Stadium' we focus on power and high performance. This 'moving sculpture' retains the energy of the 406 series model while elevation the weight distribution of the original 406 to a higher plane. Its attitude is lowered significantly, and its wheels and a number of body elements are resized. All these characteristics guarantee a sporty spirit closely linked to Automboiles Peugeot's image. All in white, the car shows off the blue lion that identifies it as a Peugeot Sports car" (official press release)

406 Evidence on top of a fontana
"With the 406 'Evidence', the car feels like it was designed in the world of high fashion. In a way it was since it was created from a unique pattern. This version represents a ceration idea of luxury, and brings together two elements of Automobile Peugeot's vision: elegance and refinement. The 'Evidence' stands out from the crowd with its cool pastel-coloured interior. The dashboard blends perfectly with this contemporary saloon and is equipped with high-precision analogue instruments" (official press release).
And there was a hybrid version as well, but I don't have picture about it.

Another star of the Peugeot stand was their on-line presentation. Yes, there's no mistake: Peugeot is on the Internet. Peugeot created something unique, something different: 150 pages, 3-languages. History, sport, current activities and lots more available. I met with some fine databases but this hit 'em all.
This is not an official press release :-]

Go back to the IAA report!

Copyright September, 1995
Paul Negyesi
Budapest, Hungary.
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