Technical Archives
This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/01/07 00:56:30 $.
Photocopy provided by Tom Ware (
Scanned/OCR/html conversion by Bob Haskell
VERY IMPORTANT: In reassembling the supercharger, make sure that
the end covers are assembled to the main housing in exactly the same
relationship as when removed. Make a note of their position on the housing
before removing.
Disassemble the Supercharger in the Following Manner:
- Remove the supercharger from the engine and place on a clean bench.
Remove the carburetor and manifolds from the supercharger.
- Remove the six bolts holding on the rear cover.
- Use two 5/16" USS bolts and screw into the tapped holes in the rear
cover. These act as jack screws to remove the rear cover and bearing
from the shaft. Jack screws should be tightened slowly and the
same amount on both sides of the cover so that the bearing and cover
will be pulled off the shaft straight.
- After the rear cover has been removed the vanes can be removed from
the rotor.
IMPORTANT: Before removing the vanes take special notice of
the slots in the vanes. Vanes must be replaced in the same manner
or supercharger will not function. Slots in vanes face to the center
or toward the shaft.
- To remove the rotor assembly, remove the six bolts holding on the
front cover and the front cover can be removed from the housing
with the complete rotor assembly.
- To remove the front cover from the shaft: remove the nut from the
shaft and then the pulley. Remove idler bracket from front cover.
Rotor shaft can then be forced out of the front bearing using an
arbor press.
- To remove the bearing and seals from the front cover; remove the
snap ring, drive out the bearing from the inside, drive out seals in
same manner. Take notice of the relative position of the two seals
so that they can be replaced correctly, this is important.
- In replacing the end cover on the shaft, seals should be carefully
worked over the spacer on the shaft to prevent damage.
- To remove the bearing from the rear cover: push out cap from inside of
housing, remove the snap ring from the housing, push out bearing from
inside of cover. In reassembling, the cover cap is forced into the
groove by striking in the center. Edge of cover should be coated
with Permatex or sealer prior to replacement.
Please send comments, additions, and errors for the SOL Healey web
pages to Bob Haskell.
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