The Healey Notes from Rich Chrysler

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Healey mailing list September

I have a 58 BN6 serial #711. The Choke knob is located under the dash to the right of the steering column. I have the washer pump in the "standard" dash location. The facia seems to be original and no hole is present for the choke next to the washer pump. Is this choke location "normal" for a BN6? Most photos I've looked at have the choke and washer side by side.



On a left hand drive car your car is correct to have the choke control fitted beneath the dash just to the right of the steering column, on the bracket that also acts as the steady bracket to the bottom of the dashboard. The manual choke knob did not appear on the dash face until into the early 3000 roadster. Then it appeared just to the right of the ignition switch, not over by the washer pump knob which is much further to the right.

In the accompanying photo of a Longbridge BN4 (same as your BN6 in this regard) you can just see the choke knob in the upper portion of the view tucked well under the dash.

Rich Chrysler

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