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This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/01/07 01:51:54 $.

Gearbox Tie Rod

By Bob Haskell

exploded assembly drawing of gearbox tierod

Part Number 1G9382

The parts manual refers to this piece as the engine tie rod(Item 33). It mounts to the underside of the gearbox extension or the overdrive housing and the chassis cross member at the "X" brace. It's purpose is to limit the fore/aft motion of the engine/transmission. (Don't want the fan and radiator comming together!)

I had two tie rods to refurbish. Both required the replacement of the long threaded rod. One had worn half through the rod - I guess that it hadn't been kept tight and/or the gearbox and "X" brace rubber mounts (Items 23 and 34) were shot. The other rod had been cut in two when the engine/transmission was removed from the car.

The rod was originally arc welded on to the "U" shaped bracket on just rear facing side. Removal of the old threaded rod was done using a 4" grinder. The weld was ground away flush and the little cylinder left in the hole was popped out. The grinding marks left on the bracket were removed with a little (just a little?) hand filing.

The replacement rod was made from 3/8"-24 threaded rod (fine thread). The overall length is 3.75". One end of the rod has a 0.295" diameter pilot, 1/8 long, that I turned on a lathe. The new rod was arc welded on to the bracket. Mig welding ought to work well too.

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