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This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/01/07 01:55:36 $.

Rebuilding Trafficators

Bob Haskell

I had planned to write an aritcle on rebuilding trafficators I've rebuilt several of the ones for the adjustable steering wheel and some even still work. But while typing in the following list of other articles, I reached the wishy-washy conclusion that another aritcle wasn't needed. If I pick up a trafficator for a non-adjustable steering wheel, I may write something then.



Here's a list of the articles on traffictors that I'm aware of:

  1. Tom Kovacs, Servicing the Horn Quadrant, Chatter, vol. 21, no. 6, June 1981, pp 5-6, AHCA.
  2. Tom Kovacs, Servicing the Directional Assembly, Chatter, vol. 22, no. 12, December 1982, pg 15, AHCA.
  3. Norman Nock, Austin-Healey Tech Talk, pp 14 and 74.
  4. Paul S. Schwartz, The Turn Signal Indicator, Austin-Healey Magazine, May 1989, pp 15-16, AHC-USA.
  5. John Trifari, Fixing recalcitrant trafficators, Austin-Healey Magazine, October-November 1993, pp 15-18, AHC-USA.
  6. John Trifari, Trafficator correction, Austin-Healey Magazine, December 1993, pp 15-18, AHC-USA. also in Norman Nock's Austin-Healey Tech Talk, pg 14.

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