This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/01/07 02:06:01 $.
Fellow enthusiasts:
Firstly, I want to thank you all for saving my 15 year marriage. Like all relationships, ours was rockets and fireworks at first. But has waned over the last years, what with kids, the house, and business is booming. Well, I was ready to call it quits, dig the marriage license out of the safe deposit box and ship her off. It was a done deal.... Then, in my search for ways to end it, I came across this wonderful medium. It has rekindled my passion. It has been such a long time since I experienced the ecstasy of the ritual; the touch of her curves; her response to my touch, no coaxing on my part, ever the eager lover. The power under me, the exiliration of the game, the tease of stop and go, stop and go, until reckless abandon takes us to the redline, all that was lost until I found this. This has been my Genesis, my renaissance, 'I am a new man'.
I took a vow 15 years ago that we would grow old together, and unless financial ruin consumes me, I shall keep that promise. But I am off on another one of my endless flights to the planet of Tangents. However, tangents can be a good thing, an unproductive alternative to productive thought processes.....stop already!!! I want to thank you all for saving me form my own destructive, pardon me, potentially destructive ways.
I almost sold my Healey.
Since I can remember, I've always wanted a 3000. Before I met my first love, I met her younger sister, a BRG BABE, at the Jersey shore. My uncle had her. I was young, but I knew what she could do. Although unsure of what I could do, I could only imagine what we could do together.
I was up early, every morning, to be the first. The first to gaze upon her body glistening from the morning dew; to grasp the chrome door handle. I gently pull and the smell of British leather rises to my nostrils, filling my lungs, its effect like that on an addict. There is no other smell like that. The passion begins.
I slowly slip onto her lap, I grasp first the wheel, then the stick. I pull the door closed. I HAVE JUST ENTERED THE HEALEY ZONE from which there is no escape, no real escape. Some may pretend the have been released from the grip, but they are only fooling themselves. They drool at the pumps, at the car shows and swaps. THEY EVEN DROOL IN THE BACK YARDS WHERE RUST RULES AND VEGETATION RUNS AMUCK! And the comments are always the same, whether the say it outloud for the world to hear their pain, or suffer in silence.......
'I used to own a (insert your favorite love), and I wish I never let her go'
Well, thanks to all of you for saving me from committing what would have been the second worst regret in my life. If you allow me, I will continue later with more on my first regret.
John Kelly
Please send comments, additions, and errors for the SOL Healey web pages to Bob Haskell.
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