This page was last updated on $Date: 2003/07/22 23:42:50 $.
The Healey mailing lists are interactive e-mail forums with members all over the world. They are free, and anyone can post a question, tech tip, event, interesting story, personal classified ad (Commercial postings are frowned upon.), or other Healey related discussion. The two SOL mailing lists are "healeys" and "spridgets". The healeys list has well over a 100 messages per week. The spridgets list was just implemented in the middle of October, 1997.
To subscribe, send a mail message to The body of your message should contain: subscribe healeys and/or subscribe spridgets to add your name to the mail list(s). Leave the subject line blank. You wil receive a mail message from majordomo explaining how to use the mail list(s).
To remove your name from the mail list, put unsubscribe healeys and/or unsubscribe spridgets in the body of the message. Again, leave the subject line blank.
A digest version of the healeys list is available. With the digest version you get a day's postings in one mail message. To subscribe send subscribe healeys-digest to A digest version of the spridget mailing list is not yet available.
You can read the old mail messages - each month's worth of mail is put together in a file. To determine what archives are available, send a mail message with index healey and/or index spridget in the body. Majordomo will send you back the list via e-mail. To retrieve an archive send (another!) mail message with get healeys healeys.archive.YYMM, where YY equals the year and MM equals the month. Example: to retreive the healeys mail for December, 1996 the command would be: get healeys healeys.archive.9612.
Other commands you might send include:
Please remember that the archive files can be pretty large. The files are straight ascii, they are not compressed or zipped. Looks like the 1996 archive files take up about 4 MBytes. Make sure your mail server can handle the files before you ask for all of them at once.
Please send comments, additions, and errors for the SOL Healey web pages to Bob Haskell.
Scions of Lucas
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