Events Calendar
This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/03/03 04:03:29 $.
Please check with the event organizers for the most update information.
Okay, let's get going....
- March 14th
- The British Car Clubs of Arizona presents "All British Car Day"
Sunday, March 14, 1999 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. at Heritage Square
On Monroe Street, Between 5th and 7th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona
For Information call: (602) 971-7807
- April 23rd - 25th
Springthing 99 in Bardstown Kentucky, presented by the
Bluegrass Chapter of AHCA
- May 16th
- 1999 British Car/Bike Show & Swap Meet, at the Continent in Columbus,
Ohio, located iat Busch Blvd. and St. Rt. 161 just west of exit 117
on I-71. Organized by the British Car Council of Central Ohio.
Contact Eric Jones (740) 363-2203 or John Huddy (614) 846-2321.
- June 20th - 25th
AHCA Conclave '99, Meet Me in St. Louis", presented by the Gateway
Chapter of AHCA.
- August 9th - 13th
Fiesta de los HEALEYS, 99 West Coast Meet, San Diego California,
presented by the Austin-Healey Club of San Diego.
Anyone planning this far ahead?
- AHCA Conclave 2000, presented by Central Indiana Club AHC.
Hmmm, I probably won't have the healey done yet...
- European Odyssey, sponsored by Northeast Region AHC, 45-day tour
of eight European countries. $12,500. Space limited. Contact Steve
Bell, (508) 947-6499.
Please send comments, additions, and errors for the SOL Healey web
pages to Bob Haskell.
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