The Healey Events Calendar

This page was last updated on $Date: 1999/03/03 04:03:29 $.

Please check with the event organizers for the most update information.


Okay, let's get going....

March 14th
The British Car Clubs of Arizona presents "All British Car Day" Sunday, March 14, 1999 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. at Heritage Square On Monroe Street, Between 5th and 7th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona For Information call: (602) 971-7807
April 23rd - 25th
Springthing 99 in Bardstown Kentucky, presented by the Bluegrass Chapter of AHCA
May 16th
1999 British Car/Bike Show & Swap Meet, at the Continent in Columbus, Ohio, located iat Busch Blvd. and St. Rt. 161 just west of exit 117 on I-71. Organized by the British Car Council of Central Ohio. Contact Eric Jones (740) 363-2203 or John Huddy (614) 846-2321.
June 20th - 25th
AHCA Conclave '99, Meet Me in St. Louis", presented by the Gateway Chapter of AHCA.
August 9th - 13th
Fiesta de los HEALEYS, 99 West Coast Meet, San Diego California, presented by the Austin-Healey Club of San Diego.


Anyone planning this far ahead?

AHCA Conclave 2000, presented by Central Indiana Club AHC.


Hmmm, I probably won't have the healey done yet...

European Odyssey, sponsored by Northeast Region AHC, 45-day tour of eight European countries. $12,500. Space limited. Contact Steve Bell, (508) 947-6499.

Please send comments, additions, and errors for the SOL Healey web pages to Bob Haskell.

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