The Barbie ™ Healey Catalog

This page was last updated $Date: 1999/01/07 00:52:33 $.

Barbie's First Sports Car

A pink car from the factory! I plan to add photographs of the cars when I get a chance.

1962 Convertible Sports Car

Barbie's sports car was manufactured by Irwin in 1962. I don't have a price guide, but for the high end: A vintage Barbie dealer I talked to has a NOS in the shipping box for $350 and a NOS in the cellophane display box for $450. A used car but in excellent condition (a little chrome rubbed off on the bumpers) was selling for $200. I thought it was neat that these were still available 35 years later. Anyone know how many were produced?

A photo of a barbie healey in the original box Another view of a barbie healey in the original box


At the drive-in jigsaw puzzle.

a jig saw puzzle of Ken and Barbie at the ice cream shop

Barbie Clock Radio

Is manufactured by Telmania. Apparently there are two versions of this radio. When it was released in 1996, the bumper overriders were upside down. Not sure when the overriders were corrected. A radio purchased in December '97 had the correct overriders and the packaging was smaller.

A photo of the barbie healey radio with upside down overriders.

Music Box

Part of a colllector series sold by F.A.O. Schwarz. It is for the year 1963 - Barbie & Ken Senior Prom. The musical tune is "Notre Dame Victory March", The porclain music box is manufactured by Enesco, © Mattel 1994, made in China. $100 retail.

A photo of the barbie healey music box.

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