This page updated February 28, 2000
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Send North American Club Addresses (text) & URL's to Jay Nemeth-Johannes at:
Phoenix, Az.
Meetings 2nd Tuesday of month at El Zaribah Shrine Temple
522 North 40th St,(North of Van Buren)
(602) 938 4829
24 Hour Voice Mail 602-439-1142
Club Web site:
We meet at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at:
Bryson’s MGB British Auto Parts
1121 W Wetmore Rd
Tucson AZ
Our webite is:
Membership chair is Dick Morley at
Events Chair is George Hahn at
5492 Yale Avenue, Westminster Ca. 92683-3418
E-mail Contact:
VMG was founded in 1971 for the purpose of preserving, maintaining and promoting the use and enjoyment of Vintage MG automobiles (pre-1956). The club has over 200 members who,own and drive 27 Pre-War MGs including: M,C,D,J,P,L,K,N,SA,VA,TA,and TBs, and approximately 195 TC, TD,TF, Y, and Arnolts. The club meets the first Wednesday of each month at 424 W. Third St, in Santa Ana at 7:30 PM. In addition to a technical session at each meeting, a technical garage sessions is held during the month. The club also thrives on the escapades of thr VMG Topuring and Grazing Society each month. The club maintains a hugh MG technical and information library of books and videotapes and has a staff of experts on call for assistance. The club sponsors the largest MG parts swap meet on the West Coast. This is held on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving each year in the Pasadena area. It features parts for 1945 thru 1980 MGs.
14300 Ramo Drive
LaMirada, CA 90638
Bill Burroughs, SCTOA/VTR Laison
7250 McCool Ave.
Westchester, Ca. 90045
E-mail: Bill Burroughs
We are the largest VTR chapter in the country with readers of " the Triumph Standard" in 23 states and 5 countries.
P.O. Box #26121
Santa Anna, Ca
Visit our home page.
Marty Lodawer
Triumph Register of Southern California
20929 Lassen Street, No. 112
Los Angeles, CA 91311-4226
From the land of surf and sand, we’re calling all devotees of Triumph to join us in our quest to preserve one of Great Britain’s Great Cars, and have the most possible fun doing it. Whatever your interest in the hobby, you’ll find kindred spirits ready to share it with you.
Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at Maggie’s Pub in Santa Fe Springs (11900 Telegraph Road, about 15 miles south of downtown L.A.). We look forward to hearing from you. TALLYHO DUDE !
% Allen Chalmers
1231 12th Ave.
San Francisco, Ca. 94122
%Terry Sanders
18 Camelford Place
Oakland, Ca. 94611
%George Steneberg
9 Pomona Avenue
El Cerrito, CA 94530
(510) 525-9125
Focus: All MG's S.F. Bay Area
We have members with everything from a 1933 J2 to 1980 MGB Limited Editions.
We are affiliated with NAMGAR and NAMGBR.
Visit our home page.
%Chris Billat
(415) 853-0271
International club, based in the SF Bay area.
Visit our home page.
Club Mailing Address
5712 San Luis Court
Pleasanton Ca. 94566
Box 60314
Sunnyvale, CA
Call club president Bob Waligore at 408-225-1390
Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 8PM at:
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA.
membership director: Jerry Fischer (619) 465-4037.
net contact: Kirk Stanford <
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Boll Weevil on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Ruffin Road.
Membership is approximately 75. Dues are $22/year for a single membership and $28 for a family membership. Many different Triumphs are represented in the club from a TC2000 to TR8.
2250 Rosecrans
San Diego CA 92106
(619) 223-0496
Caters to owners of all Rootes Group manufactured cars. Monthly newsletter, monthly activities. Dues $20 per year.
P.O. Box 710111
San Diego, CA 92171-0111
Celebrating our 40th year. We currently have close to 100 members! Meetings held on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month at The Boll Weevil Restaurant, Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Ruffin Rd. 7:00 pm.
or contact via e-mail. (Tom Zylla)
Visit our home page.
Visit our Web Page
Fresno, CA 93720
Email -
Club Website -
559-439-5062 Marty
We welcome all British autos and we meet at the "London Bridge British Pub"!
P.O.Box 1592
Paradise, Ca. 95967-1592
879 Randolph Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
(805) 964-5296 Voice/Fax
Visit our home page.
The largest DeLorean owners group with members around the world. Visit our web page for more details about our group and this exciting automobile.
2950 Airway Ave., Suite A-9,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
Greg Fletcher at 714/455-1040
We have members world wide.
Mike Holland
229 N. Brady
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Phone: (760) 375-8482
Email: <>
Formed to promote the interest, restoration and ENJOYMENT of all British automobiles. We are in the Mojave desert better known as the "high desert" about 2 hours North of Los Angeles. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at John's Pizza on Ridgecrest Blvd. We have about 30 members at the moment. If you find yourself on Hwy 395, stop on by!
P.O. Box 1467
Santa Maria, CA 93456-1467
Contact: Lorin & Louisa Cuthbert
(805) 937-6851
Visit our home page.
PO Box 152
Denver CO 80201
Phone contact: (970) 679-2042
e-mail: Jay Nemeth-Johannes
Focus: Owners and enthusiasts of any MG
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday except December 7:30 PM (Come early)
??? Sports Bar (We just moved)
??? W Colfax Ave
Denver, Colorado
(Colfax Avenue at Denver West Parkway. Contact us for details)
Visit our home page.
PO Box 300426
Denver, Colorado 80203-0426
Email contact: Dave Fain
The RMTC is an official chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register. The club meets the third Tuesday of each month at The Mad Platter Restaurant at 5950 S. Platte Canyon Rd. in Littleton, Colorado. Drinks & dinner from 6:30PM, meeting starts at 7:15PM. Membership is open to all who appreciate the Triumph automobile. Current paid membership is currently around 165 families.
Visit our home page.
e-mail:Larry Rouch
For enthusiasts of British motoring in Northern Colorado (Larimer, Weld and northern Boulder Counties). This club is fairly new and currently has about 75 members. Activities include tours, shows, tech sessions, rallies, and whatever else strikes our fancy.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at
The County Cork
313 W Drake Rd
Ft Collins, Co
Visit our home page
Visit our home page
e-mail: David Cox
Visit our web page
c/o Bruce Schilling
917 East Millcreek Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
The BMCU welcomes the owners of all British marques and has members throughout the intermountain west. We hold monthly events, drives, picnics, tech sessions and more. Membership in the BMCU is free but we ask for donations at events to support our monthly newsletter.
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