This page updated February 28, 2000
Send North American Club Addresses (text) & URL's to Jay Nemeth-Johannes at:
P.O. Box 12151
Huntsville, AL 35815-2151
Phone contacts: (256) 830-2514 or (256) 882-7618
Net contacts:,,
Focus: Owners and enthusiasts of all British vehicles
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of every month (except December)
Greenbrier Barbecue
Greenbrier Road and I-565
NABMS is a chapter of the North American MGB Register (NAMGBR)
We also have a new web page at:
Mike Thomason
South Alabama British Car Club
1548 Deerwood Drive East
Mobile, AL 36618
Visit our Web Page
Allen J. Williams
2101 Hudson Bay Dr.
Norhport, AL 35473
drivers club only
tech sessions
monthly trips
weekend road trips
For more information contact
George Bearden
Email -
Jim Kelley
351 West Vanderbilt loop
Montgomery, Al 36109
Phone Contact 334-244-6671, 334-279-0971
Meetings on the 2nd Monday each month. Club driving event each month as scheduled.
British only car show each September on the Alabama Shakespeare Festival grounds as a part of the Alabama Highland Games. 1999 will mark the 5th anniversary of this show.
Florence, AL
Homepage is
Bob Brooks
234 Robinhood Drive
Florence, AL 35633
Blake M. Wylie
Meetings are every second Tuesday of the Month at Tourway Pancake House on Florence Blvd.
Visit our page for more info!
Fairhope, AL
We are a membership organization of MG, and other British, automobile enthusiasts who have banded together to better preserve and enjoy our motorcars.
We have varied monthly activities—shows, tours, technical sessions. We proudly number among our members the national Technical Advisor of the North American MGB Register.
We are a motorcar club in the classic English tradition, and we strive to maintain that level of quality and those types of traditions in all that we do. We are not a hotrod club, nor are we racers. We are not part of the Whataburger cruise-in crowd, and we do not include motorcycles, hotrods, kit cars, or highly modified vehicles in our membership or our activities.
If you would like more information about our organization, or would like to meet some of us, why not come to one of our regular meetings. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm for dinner at the Royal Oak English pub in beautiful downtown Fairhope. The meetings are brief for business and long on socializing.
We are an affiliated chapter of the North American MGB Register. Although we are an MG club, we welcome into membership owners of other British cars, or enthusiasts who are between cars.
If you think that this might be an organization for you, please come to a meeting. There you may pick up an application. Our annual dues are $50.00, and include membership in the North American MGB Register. One membership covers all persons permanently living at a single address.
For more information call Bob Mason in Fairhope at 334-928-5366. We would be pleased to answer your questions or provide any additional information. We do NOT list an address for e-mail contact. You may visit our web site at
C/O Alan B. Marsh
2854 Connecticut Ave. NW #24
Washington, DC. 20008
Ft Meyers, Fla
President: Bill Newman
12192 Moon Shell Dr
Cape Coral, Florida 33991
e-mail: G. E. Maue
Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month at
Churchill's Pub
Ft Meyers, Fla
e-mail:Charlie Richardson
Visit our Web Page
We are located in Volusia County Florida and would appreciate any additiona exposure we can get. We have over 65 members and are affiliated with the NAMGA association but we have members with all marques.
e-mail:Ralph Watson
The MG Club of Central Florida (MGCCF) was established in 1984, and is dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, and enjoyment of all MG motor cars. Meetings are held at 7 PM the third Thursday of each month at VFW Post 4287 located at 3500 South Goldenrod Road, in Orlando Florida. All enthusiasts of the MG marque are welcome.
2720 Laten Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Rich Wasman Vice President
MG Classics is 26 years old, and we still have a founding member. Meetings are held the last monday of each month. We host GOF South every 3rd year(two other Florida culbs host the other years). We host British Car Classic show every other year with Triumph Club of North Florida. We also hold Annual St Patrick's Day Rallye. Also other rallyes, tech sessions and road trips.
Bob Jones President
Rt 4, Box 155
Westville, Florida
Phone: 904-9562887
Visit our Web Page
PO Box 0251
Tampa, FL 33601
Contact: Glenn Lenhard
Open to all models of MGs. Members don’t have to own an MG, just have an interest in the Marque. We meet the second wednesday of each month.
Visit our Web Page
The purpose of the TCNF is to encourage the ownership, safe operation, and restoration of Triumph motor cars. The TCNF is an official chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register and the Triumph Register of America. Membership is open to all owners and enthusiasts of Triumph motor cars. For more information please contact our President at or our newsletter editor at
P.O. Box 988,
Maitland, FL 32751
email :
The Jaguar Club of Florida (JCOF) was founded in 1977 by a small group of enthusiasts who had in common the ownership and maintenance of the World's Most Beautiful Automobiles. JCOF is proudly affiliated with the Jaguar Clubs of North America, Inc. (JCNA), a factory sponsored organization comprised of more than forty clubs throughout the United States and Canada.
Visit our web site
c/o Mike and Joyce Priest
PO Box 811
Windermere, FL 34786
We are interested in the preservation and enjoyment of the Austin and Morris Mini and their variants. The Florida Mini Enthusiasts host an annual show in February, this years dates 20th, 21st and 22nd.
Our web site is located at
Pensacola, FL.
We have 58 members in NW Florida and SE Alabama. We are having our 8th Annual Pensacola British Car Beach Bash on Pensacola Beach on April 15, 2000. Details and pictures of previous shows are on our web site.
Visit our website at:
638 East College Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
(850) 222-9317
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at The Buckhead Brewery, Capital Circle, Tallahassee, Florida.
Visit our web site at:
7 Cozy Bluff Rd.
Savannah, Ga. 31410
Phone: 912-897-1284
e-mail:Richard Ames
We meet the first monday of every month at different locations. Please call for info.
c/o Jim Unger, Registry Editor
566 Hickory Hills Court
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Tel: 770/428-5380
Contact: Barry Rosenberg, President
Tel: 770/565-1811
Email: c/o Bill Goodhew <>
Further Information:
Meets monthly, Houck’s At Papermill Village, first Thursday of each month, gather at 6:30, dinner at 7:00, meeting follows.
Directions to Houck’s, from I-285, exit north on Riverside Drive, left on Johnson Ferry Road. Houck’s is ½ mile on left - 305 Village Parkway in Papermill Village.
P.O. Box 5263
Jackson, Mississippi
Tel: (601) 442-8684 Contact: Terry Trovato
The club is Mississippi-based, with members spread throughout the state, and all British Marques are welcome. The organization’s premier event is Brits on the Bluff, a judged show held in mid-October on the bluffs of the mighty Mississippi River in historic Natchez. It coincides with the city’s Fall tour of antebellum mansions and a Hot-Air Balloon Festival. Other events include a tour of the plantation country and a British Car Exhibition at the annual Jackson Highland Games competition in August. We welcome all inquiries.
P.O. Box 12273
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
Events Hotline Telephone # 919 870-5671
Visit our Web Page
c/o Jamie Palmer, Newsletter Editor
100 Chinaberry Lane
Angier, NC 27501
Visit our Web Page
We're a TRA Local Centre and VTR Chapter.
335 Holland Drive
Statesville,NC 28677
Tom Dickerson
Club Affiliation: New England MG T Register
Club Address: P.O. Box 1957
Cary, NC, 27512-1957
Tony Thomas 919 851 3030 ( before 10:00 PM EST )
Rob Orander 919 217 0237
facsimile 919 233 5379
Club Focus: Driving Tours Using Vintage MG Automobiles. Membership Available To All Members Of The New England MG T Register Who Live In North Carolina.
Anderson, South Carolina
Serving N.W. South Carolina & N.E. Georgia
Marques represented: MG Triumph Austin Healey Jaguar Sunbeam Rolls Royce
1175 Mathis Ferry Road - H8
Charleston, SC 29464
The British Car Club was formed in 1983 and is open to any marque. We hold monthly meetings, random events throughout the year, and an annual British Car Day in June.
Visit our Web Page
P.O. Box 1274
Gramling, SC 29348
E-mail to :
Serving all English Marques since 1982
Chapter of NAMBGR
Overseas Centre of MGCC
Chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register
615-259-4513 (days)
800-646-6052(0503) (evenings)
We formed in 1991 and have grown to about 125 member families.
The Nashville BC Club (which also includes British motorcyles as well), holds monthly meetings. March thru November we take driving tours or hold road rallies, usually ending up at a restaraunt or picnic site. We have tech sessions thru the winter. The Memorial Day weekend show brings in about 80 cars and 20-30 bikes from all over the southeast. It is a one day event, with a people's choice judging from noon to 4 and dinner after.
Visit our web page (Memorial Day Show)
Visit our web page (Club Homepage)
John Henry
493 Autumn Run Cove
Collierville, Tennessee 38017
(901) 853-9281
Located in Shelby County, Tennessee, dedicated to the enjoyment, restoration and preservation of the Triumph TR250 and TR6.
For more information visit our web page at (
Blount British Cars, Ltd (BBC, Ltd) of Maryville, TN was established in 1986, and is dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, and enjoyment of all British motor cars. Meetings are held at 7 PM the third Thursday of each month at announced locations. We sponsor the British Car Gathering held the first weekend each May in beautiful Townsend, TN nestled near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Information on the gathering can be had by contacting the above e-mail address. All enthusiasts of any British car marque are welcome.
Also, please visit our web page at
Web Site:
e-mail: Tom Buchanan (
We are a small but vital club located in the TN-VA-KY area
c/o Del Slavens (Membership)
45 Bainbridge Avenue
Portsmouth, VA 23702
510 946-1716
A car club of over 100 MG owners from the southeastern part of Virginia. We hold monthly meetings, quarterly tech sessions, and regular events such as rallies, cookouts, and shows. Additionally, a monthly newsletter and annual membership directory is provided to all members. Membership fees are $20 in-town, $17.50 out of town. For more information please e-mail club secretary Doug Kennedy
P.O. Box 323 Waynesboro, VA 22980
We are open to any marque and sponsor an annula British Car Show held the first week in Oct. annually. If anyone would like more info. contact Pete Phillips at the above address or
9130 W Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23294-5805
We are a chapter of The Vintage Triumph Register and serve the central to eastern parts of Virginia. We sponser a British Car Meet in May of each year. We meet monthly at the Stony Point School in Richmond on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Visit our web page.
Leon St.Hilaire
7271 Carriage Hills Dr
Roanoke Va 24018
Located in Roanoke, VA. and founded in 1992.We offer a LOW KEY club with a monthly news letter, Weekend drives once a month March-Oct. Meetings once a month at various locations in the area. Also at least one blowout cookout or party some tine each year. We go to shows as a group but don’t plan to ever have our own show. We average over 100 members with all marques included . Dues $10.
PO Box 6321
Serving MG enthusiasts in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia.
Our URL:
PO Box 1601
Lorton, VA 22199-1601
All pre-56 MGs
We cover the Metropolitan DC area, including northern Virginia, DC and Maryland.
Visit our web page at:
Our MISSION STATEMENT: The Tidewater Triumph Register (TTR) was established in 1997 by owners and enthusiasts of Triumph and British Marquee Cars for the purpose of preservation, restoration, driving these automobiles into the future. Ownership is encouraged but not a prerequisite for membership.
The TTR sponsors a monthly meeting, car shows, road tours, and technical support and inspections.. Additionally, a monthly newsletter " The TooT SideDraught" is provided to all members. Annual membership is $25.00 per house hold. For more information please e-mail club president Martin Pachey or
102 Branscome Boulevard
Williamsburg Va 23185
Phone Contact: 757-229-4869
Net Contact : Mgmg1952@Aol.Com
Focus : Owners and enthusiasts of all British Vehicles
Meetings : Last Tuesday Of Every Month
See listing under Tenessee
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