This page updated February 28, 2000
Send North American Club Addresses (text) & URL's to Jay Nemeth-Johannes at:
c/o Glenn Morrison
529 N. Hewes
Orange, Ca. 92869
ph. 714-289-1809
e-mail: Andy Lambiaso
The club is just getting started. Members include a '25 15hp to a '60 Sapphire. The club was started to find parts and support here in the U.S.
Regional clubs in PA, NY, NJ, DE.
Monthly newsletter.
Local events and activities.
Large annual meet, ENCOUNTER, each year in August.
Membership Information:
US mailing address: Brotherhood of the Three Spires, c/o Jan Eyerman, 4 Townley Ct, Flanders, NJ 07836.
Membership of about 100 and growing 10-15% per year, quarterly publication "Melodies" deals with history of Hillman and Rootes in the US. No officers, Jan Eyerman is editor of newsletter.
Ted Miller
PO Box 387
Santa Paula
California 93061
Jowett cars Ltd of Bradford, Yorkshire was one of the founder companies of the British Motor Industry. Jowett built cars for 50 years. A great many Jowetts are to be found in Britain and a large number of Jowett Jupiters and Javelins are in the U.S.
The North American Jowett Register (NAJR) is dedicated to the location, preservation and restoration of Jowett cars through the exchange of historical and technical information. The NAJR publishes a quarterly newsletter and maintains a register of cars based on factory and owner records. Membership is open to anyone who owns, has owned or has an abiding interest in Jowett cars.
Duane Zimmerman, President
Ross Morris, Vice-President
Sandy Thompson, Secretary
Larry & Goldie Hurley, Treasurer/Membership Chairmen
Rich McGarty, Met Gazette Editor
An organization devoted to the preservation and enjoyment of Metropolitans. The club is open to all Met enthusiasts. Dues are $15 US for U.S.A. and Canada. Overseas dues are $22 US for Air Mail service; $15 for Sea Mail.
Dues, new members and all address changes should be sent to Membership Chairmen Larry and Goldie Hurley, 5009 Barton Road, Madison, WI 53711. Make checks payable to MOCNA.
P. O. Box 11401
Chicago, 60611 U.S.A.
1-800-723-MGMG(6464) or (773) 878-5055
FAX: (773) 769-3240
Home page on the Internet:
North America’s oldest and largest club for all MGBs, MGB-GTs and Midgets. A nonprofit organization which was founded in 1975 and offers color magazines, technical advice, member recommendations on service, body and parts sources, registration of your MG, a tradition of service and FREE member classified ads that appear in the Octagon magazine AND on the AMGBA home page on the Internet (
Membership is $30 for one year or $50 for two years ($40 for one year or $70 for two years outside the USA in US funds only). We accept check, money order or Visa, Master Card and American Express.
John McCombe
1767 Cambridge Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43212 USA.
Club Address: P.O. Box 1260, Kulpsville, PA 19443
Info: Gary Schotland, (609) 466-2021 e-mail:
We are an international club with over 700 members (98% within N. America). We have one large national event/yr and numerous smaller events in our 11 regions. Our monthly newsletter, Rootes Review, features 16 pages of tech tips, member profiles, Rootes history, old ads, car and parts ads, vendor ads, photos, racing info, events, etc. Members have the opportunity to purchase our exclusive Sunbeam Survivor tech tip guide, get reduced entrance fees for events, and a special reduced price on the upcoming 1997 Sunbeam Calendar we're producing.
Dues: $26/yr
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