This page updated February 28, 2000
Send North American Club Addresses (text) & URL's to Jay Nemeth-Johannes at:
British Motoring Club of Arkansas
P.O.Box 22865
Little Rock, AR 72221
e-mail: Michael Ross
P.O. Box 455
Addison, IL 60101
e-mail: Kelvin Palmer, Newsletter Editor
Meetings: Third Monday of each month at 8:00 pm
Mack’s Golden Pheasant
Rt83 and Rt64
Elmhurst, IL.
Focus: All MGs.
Affiliated with: AMGBA, MAMGBR
Visit our Web page
AHCA National Office (708)-255-4069
603 E. Euclid Ave.
Arlington Heights, Il 60004
Regional Meetings:
2nd Friday of every month at 8PM
603 E. Euclid Ave
Arlington Heights
Bob Brown, Reg Director (708) 393-1413
Bill Hedrick, Vice Reg Director (Driving) (708) 960-0944
Tom Hartman, Vice Reg Director (Membership) (708) 394-8837
Dick Brill, Deputy Reg Director (Meetings) (708) 998-5777
Gayle Fabisch, Treasurer (708) 698-0159
Barry Lau, WINGNOTES Editor/Sec (312) 929-6242
Ken Olenski, Asst WINGNOTES Editor (708) 394-9215
Bill Naretta, AHCA DElegate (815) 282-5003
Bill Kowalski, BCU Representative (708) 986-1018
Dennis Juul, Regalia (815) 389-0937
Highland Park, Il 60035
Meetings the 1st Sunday of each month at 7:30pm.
Round Up Restaurant
Hillside, Il
e-mail: Sheri Pyle or Tim Buja
Visit our Web page
306 E. Plum Street
Benton, IL 62812-2315
Contact: Jerome Rosenberger
phone/fax (618)439-MGMG
Open to ALL British Motorcars. Hosting a variety of driving and social events through out the year. Dues $15.00 per year, includes local newsletter, "British Iron" as well and the "British Marque Car Club News"
P.O.Box 746
St.Joseph, IL 61873 USA
e-mail mowog_1@aol./.com
Dues are $10/year....
John Collins, President
8865 Stone Gate Lane
Terre Haute, IN 47802
e-mail:Alice I. Lee
P.O. Box 15771
Evansville, IN 47716
Rupert Simmons
(812) 473-6090
Clay Robinson
(812) 853-8263
Our biggest event is our annual British Car Day on the River. This is a show where our members display their automobiles. Our first two shows had approximately 90 cars on display. We had several members from both Indianapolis Indiana and Louisville Kentucky car clubs visit our show. This year we anticipate an even greater attendance.
7510 Allisonville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Phone (317)841-7677
Fax (317)849-2001
Contact: Yvonne Desrosiers at
We are a Brit. car enthusiasts club. We sponsor an annual show first full weekend in June and attend many regional shows as well.
%Bill Unger
Salisbury House
4025 Tonawanda Drive
Des Moines, Iowa 50312.
e-mail: Ric Johnson []
Web Site:
We are a very informal car club. All British marques. All years.
Membership numbers vary from year to year between 50 or so and 90 members. There are no officers, only volunteers. We try to meet once per month March to October. Some of us also belong to national clubs.
e-mail: Doug Ferrell or Charles Marin
Based in Topeka, Kansas. We are an all-Rootes Club, founded in 1986, dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all Rootes Group products. Current membership totals around 55 Nationwide, with members owning a wide variety of cars. We publish a bi-monthly newsletter, and dues are $18.00 U.S.A. and Canada, and $25.00 overseas. One of our main goals is to provide a grapevine of information on Rootes products, so that as many owners as possible will learn more. Our Club has participated in putting- on events at both SUNI meets.
% Mark Canaday
5231 NW Courtland
Topeka, KS 66618
We have a Topeka British Car Club in Topeka, Kansas with a membership of about 55. Cars represented run from MG Midgets to a Rolls Royce.
Mike and Sallie Razor
213 Springs Court
Mt. Sterling KY 40353
phone #607 498-8615
Visit our web site
We are located in Mt. Sterling Kentucky. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at Rio’s Steakhouse, 7 PM. Our membership is around 30 members.
1959 Meadowcreek Drive
Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 459-6794
The Bluegrass Austin Healey Club is one of Americas oldest Healey Clubs, Started in 1958. We currently have 80 Members throughout Kentucky and Southern Indiana and are a chapter of the AHCA.
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
For information about our activities contact Jim Werner at
see our web page at Bluegrass Austin-Healey Club
Meetings the third Thursday of each month.
e mail:
Phone: 502-491-1517 Ask for Jim French or 812-923-7349 or Fax 502-499-7491
Over 100 Members in the Area
Visit Area British Sports Car Club Web site BRITISH SPORTS CAR CLUB OF KY
See listing under Tenessee
P.O.Box 13803
New Orleans, Louisiana 70185
Phone 504-486-2424
Fax 504-821-7961
e-mail:Harold O'Reilly
Our 9th annual show is March 20, 1999. Meetings are last Tuesday of month and we are a chapter of both VTR and NAMGBR.
Visit our web site
general contact person for club info and membership:
Marla Zebarah
(313) 382-6715
1327 Austin
Lincoln Park, Michigan
current president: Ed Fleming
(810) 349-3799
8905 Napier
Northville, Michigan
current vice-president (and Canadian contact person):
Frank Lucente
(519) 966-5346
3514 Byng Road
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 3H8
2334 Brookmead Way
Charlotte, MI 48813
Wayne Buletza
LAMGA News, Editor
(517) 543 6770
3758 Hein Dr.
Sterling Hts. MI 48310
Web site
(Port Huron: See listing in CANADA section)
Ron Mitchell
Newsletter Editor:
Ron Mitchell,
1362 Merkle St., Ortonville, MI 48462-9021 |
Voice (248) 627-9266
Jamie Coobatis,
34730 7 Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48152-4032.
Phone No. 248-888-1437.
Nat'l Delegate:
Brian Thornton,
4618 Mandalay St., Royal Oak, MI 48073-1624
Voice: (248) 549-8283
Debby Gearns,
8288 Wormer St., Dearborn, MI 48127-1355
Voice: (313) 563-5691
Established in July 1975, we are the second oldest Chapter of the Austin Healey Club of America. Membership, currently at 120, covers the entire state of MIchigan, the north west corner of Ohio, specifically the Toledo area, and Windsor, Ontario.
Pub Night takes place 7:00 PM the second Wednesday of every month except December at "Duggans Pub" located on Woodward Ave. between 13 & 14 mile Rd.
Annual host of "Island Adventure" held the first weekend in June on Put-In-Bay Island off Port Clinton, Ohio. Starts on Friday afternoon with a ferry ride to the Island, registration, then Hospitality, Saturday there's a Rally then Popularity Judging in the Marina Park followed by a wine party, raffle and awards presentation. Sunday is a free day to enjoy the Island. Hotel space is limited so it's first come first served.
Complimentary copies of our Newsletter can be requested from Ron Mitchell.
155 Birnamwood Drive
Burnsville, MN 55337
Open to all with an interest in the most popular marque in sports car history....MG!
Monthly meeting first Monday of the month at Al Bakers in Eagan 7:00 PM.
net contact: Dave Stovall
P.O. Box 201054
Bloomington, Minnesota 55420
phone: (612) 774-3121 (fax or voice)
Minnesota Triumphs is a Charter Club of the Vintage Triumph Register. Established in 1981, we presently have in excess of 120 memberships representing 4 regional states, with meeting activity exceeding 40 members each month.
Monthly meetings and newsletter from January through October. Meeting place and time vary from month to month. All those interested in Triumphs, regardless of the vehicles' vintage or condition are invited to join. Dues: $25.00 for the season.
Our web page is at:
Jerry R Christensen, President
3810 Sheridan Avenue North
Minneapolis, Minneaota 55412-1835
Phone (612)521-9479
30 members --- must belong to Metropolitan Owners Club of North America An organization devoted to the preservation and enjoyment of Metropolitans.
c/o Lew Palmer
16780 St. Mary’s Drive
St. Mary’s Point, Minnesota 55043
(651) 436-7401
Open to all MG enthusiasts, but catering to pre-1956 MGs. Monthly publication The Tattler.
See our web page at
net contact: Lew Palmer <>
No, it's no joke!
The club was started in August '99 and already has 62 members and 59 Minis.
The club is free and open to all Mini enthusiasts.
Contact: Jim Baumann
4709 Crofoot Av. NW
Buffalo, MN, USA 55313
Phone: 1-320-963-5681
Greaters Ozarks British Motoring Club (GO BMC).
Rod Miller
1325 Liberty Rd.
Rogersville, MO 65742
417-753-2641, Fax 417-753-7000,
email or write.
We welcome all those with an interest in the preservation and enjoyment of British motorcars.
c/o Mike Burdick
1617 S. 33rd St
Omaha NE 68105
Phone Contact: (402) 344-8494
net contact:
Focus: All models of Triumph cars, open to anyone with interest in Triumphs or British cars in general. We cover central and eastern Nebraska and western Iowa right now. People in South Dakota may be interested in this club as well.
Tony Burgess
318 Hampton Park
Westerville, OH 43081-5723
(614) 899-2394
P.O. box 81152
Cleveland, Ohio
Phone Bob and D Zimmerman (330) 678-9394
A club for all MG enthusiasts. Celebrating 16 years behind the wheel. Award winning monthly newsletter, gatherings, car shows, road trips, rallys, tech sessions and more. Annual dues $20.
P.O. Box 772
West Chester, OH 45071-772
We are open to all British cars. Monthly meetings with informal events during summer months. We sponsor British Car Day in July of each year.
Visit our Web page
We're located in Kettering, Ohio (north of Cincinnati and west of Columbus.
%Doug Friedman
20 Fair Oaks Road
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74014
H: 918-357-1168
O: 918-627-6677
established 1998
31 members
Affiliated with Jaguar Enthusiast Club of England
Mark Dement
308 S. Walnut Creek Dr
Mansfield, Texas 76063
(817) 477-3558
Focus: A 20 year old club that started out as an MG "T" Register and now is open to all MGs. We publish a 12 page monthly newsletter and have a membership of approx.190.
P.O. Box 441-1241
Houston, Texas 77244-1241
15 Cimarron Trail
Lucas, TX 75002
George Merryweather, President
214/997-4162 (O)
214/442-9269 (H)
214/997-4310 (FAX)
Good membership, about 200 dues paying, 90 active participants. We had our Annual Mother's Day/Spring G.O.F. with about 87 cars, 1933 through 1980.
3304 Sunset Blvd.
Huston, Tx. 77005
Pres. Norm Canfield
213 Southwoods Drive,
Fredericksbufg, Tx. 78634
or Tidewater/Peidmont Director
John T. Blair
1133 Chatmoss Dr.
Va. Beach, Va. 23464
(804) 495-8229
P.O. Box 40847
Houston, TX 77240-0847
TTR is an active, growing organization that believes in driving our cars.
Visit our Web page
Bill Boyles
8422 Garland Road
phone 214-321-1648
Arlington, Tx
Our club, unlike its name is actually an all-british marque club, with Triumphs, Jaguars, Austin-Healeys, Lotuses (Lotii?), Minis, a Sunbeam, a Jensen-Healey, an MG Y tourer, as well as MGTs, MGAs, MGBs, and Midgets. We have been in existence since 1991, the re-formation of a MG T-series club by that name which apparently disbanded in the late 1970s. We have approximately 65 households as members, representing at least 150 cars. We are not affiliated with any of the national clubs due to our mulligan stew of vehicles, but we do have a "sister" club in Milwaukee, WI - the Milwaukee and Great Lakes MG Motorcar Group (MGMGMG, or MG3; primarily an MG organization). We also are developing a relationship with a club to the south of us in Rockford, IL named British Boots and Bonnets. They are about the same as our club in terms of size and blend of vehicles.
Our Website can be found at
P.O. Box 100
Dousman, WI 53118
Visit our Website
Wisconsin Jaguars Ltd. was formed in 1979 to serve the needs of Jaguar enthusiasts through out the state for the exchange of information and ideas, and to share the sheer joy of these wonderful cars. Since its formation, our club has grown to a membership of more than 100 owners (families) with more than 180 Jaguars. The Jaguars owned by our members range from the MK IV drophead to the current XK8, and from the famous SS-100 roadster through the XK-120, 140 and 150 series, plus all of the XKEs. Some rare models, such as a 1938 SS with custom Graber body, XK-SS and "C" type are also owned by our members.
We believe that our Jaguars should be enjoyed and driven. Accordingly, we tailor our events not only to the owner who prefers to do his own maintenance, or wants to learn how; but also to anyone who wishes to just display or drive their Cat..
Need more information? Contact a member.
Mike Korneli
Jerry Nell
Fred Welk
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