This page updated February 28, 2000
Send North American Club Addresses (text) & URL's to Jay Nemeth-Johannes at:
Our club was formed to give folks with the less-common British cars a club they can join as nothing exists for Austin Somerset, Riley, Vanguard, Vauxhall, VandenPlas, Hillman, Humber Super Snipe, Triumph Mayflower, etc.
I would like to have a link that people can click on to learn more about us and hopefully join our club. We have 180 members (including one in the UK) with over 300 cars across Canada and the Yukon and 1 in Ohio.
e-mail: Elva Allen or
Visit our home page to learn more about our club.
Fred Kuzyk, President
1305 ester Drive, Burlington, ON, L7P-1L2
With members in every province from Pacific to the Atlantic (and several US states), we’ve been fostering Morganeering & the British car hobby for 30 years. Our newsletter "THE BLURB" publishes 6 times a year & lists our many events as well as those of the other British Car Council (Canada) Clubs. Affiliates also of the Morgan Sports Car Club(UK), and the Specialty Vehicle Association of Ontario. We are the hosts of the Christmas theme BRITISH CAR TOY RUN - charity driving tour/car show, held this year on September 28. Dues are $25/year.
Web Site:
e-mail Contact: Eric Russell
Members in Canada and the United States of America from sea to sea.
Visit our Web Page
8500 Boul. Henri Bourassa
Charlesbourg, P.Quebec,
Canada, G1G-6P2
e-mail: Wilson Price
our club is based in Quebec city and over 600 members in Quebec and Ontario provinces. The cost is $30.00 per year and you receive 6 news paper (in french) per year.
The Club is promoting British Car of all types. Club social activities are various and will appeal to members that enjoy driving. A newsletter is published every two months. A three days rallye is held annually.
Visit our home page
Gordon Clark President
P.O. Box 643 Victoria Postal Station
Westmount Quebec
Email At Coupe@Pop.Total.Net
Est 1952
PO Box 64,
Postal Station 'R',
Toronto, Ontario,
M4G 3Z3. Canada.
Tel: 416 533 MGMG (24 Hour MG Hotline)
Fax: 905 889 4028
We are the largest MG club in Canada with members from Newfoundland to Calgary and we welcome all MG owners and enthusiasts. Our members own everything from J2s to factory V8s and our magazine The Octagon has won the NAMGBR Best Club Magazine award.
(See listing under MICHIGAN)
1034 Hindley St.
Ottawa, ON K2B 5M1
President: Mathew Butler 1-613-724-7935
Newletter Editor: Harald Freise 1-613-828-3411
Web Site:
e-mail: Kevin Mardell
We are an MGA enthusiast's club based in London, Ontario. We are a chapter club of NAMGAR and have members across most of Ontario as well as a few of the States. Our emphasis is on having fun, enjoying and driving our cars as well as helping each other out with the inevitable mechanical failures! I'd be delighted to hear from anyone in this neck of the woods interested in MGAs and our club events.
PO Box 22021
Twin Lakes Postal Outlet
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
N7S 6J4
The Bluewater British Car Club formed in January of 1995 to fill the need for a multi-marque / multi-type club in south western Ontario and south eastern Michigan. The club is based in Sarnia, Ontario which borders on Michigan at Port Huron. Our members cars include MG (TC to B), Triumph, Healey, Mini, Land Rover, Jaguar, Lotus, Rolls Royce, Vauxhall. The club holds a meeting every month and publishes a newsletter every month called 'The Spanner'. It is also the club objective to host a car related event monthly. These vary from driving events, tech sesions, tours to movie nights.
Linda Simmonds
135 Kenner Crescent
Stratford, Ontario, Canada N5A 7H2
David Ford, Pres.
2 Dorey Court
Kanata, Ontario.
K2L 2V5
John A. Tierney, President.
We are a multi marque club with Members from Hamilton, Ontario and the cities and towns in the Golden Horshoe area of Ontario. We have been organized since 1980, and along with tech sessions, monthly Pub Nights, driving events, etc. we are also the co sponsors of The British Sports Car Flea Market and Car Show held April each year in Ancaster, Ontario.
For further information about the club, the flea market, etc. contact Don Ainsworth (905) 526-8138 or E-mail at
President: Debi Fortin
(613) 521-3097 e-mail
The Ottawa MG Club is a very active club and currently has about 70 members. The members are a group of like-minded people that love their British sports cars. The primary goal of our club is to provide opportunities for driving and sharing the enjoyment of MGs through motoring events and social activities. Technical sessions, access to technical experts and the sharing of experiences of MG ownership (including trials and tribulations), repair, maintenance and restoration are strong themes within the Club. Ours is the never ending quest to Maintain the Breed.
Members live in the Ottawa-Carleton region of Eastern Ontario. Members’ cars are primarily MG marques and include MGA, MGA Twin Cam, MGB, MGB GT, TC, TD, TF and Midget. Although MG ownership is not a requirement for joining the club, an enthusiasm for the marque is the common thread that binds. Activities are centered in a 50 - 100 mile radius from Ottawa where a majority of the membership resides. Annual membership fees for the Club are $30 for new members and $20 for renewing members. Dues cover the cost of preparation and mailing of a bi-monthly newsletter, event notices and the operating expenses of the club. We host and attend a number of events each year. The Club events listing can be found on our Home Page. The Ottawa MG Club meets on the third Thursday of every month at Louis’ Steak House located at 1682 Cyrville Road, in the east end of the city. Meetings start at 7:30 pm. Visitors are welcome.
Club Web Page: //
Visit our Web Page
We have about 130 members with 195 nostly British cars. Come and visit - we are not as far north as you may think!!
Visit our Web Page
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 2Y4
P.O. Box 51555
911 Park Royal South
West Vancouver, B.C., Canada
V7T 2X9
Tel/Fax: (604) 929-7598
Contact: Eric Russell
Membership fee: $35.00 per year
Magazine: The Roverview comes out 6 times a year
Size: about 12 - 18 double sided pages
Colour cover instituted in June 1995
Parts network, newsletter connection, social activities, and technical team support.
Chilliwack British Columbia, Canada.
e-mail: Rita Jones
Started 1995 now host 40 members. We have members with spitfires,GT6,Lotus,MGB,Morris,Rover,Mini,Sport Six etc.
P.O. Box 80274
Burnaby, B.C.
Canada V5H 3X5
The club was founded in 1975.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at:
The Burnaby Keg
2656 Eastbrook Parkway (off Willingdon, north of Hwy 1)
Burnaby, B.C., Canada.
Exceptions are July, August, and December.
The December meeting is held in conjunction with the Annual Christmas Party.
Visit our Web Page
Visit our Web Page
c/o Rob Brodie
2512 Government St.
Victoria, B. C.
V8T 4P7
phone (604) 388-7220
Visit our Web Page
c/o 121 Carroll Street
New Westminister, B.C.
V3L 4E5
e-mail: Michael Bayrock
Eastburn Community Centre
7435 Edmonds
Burnaby, B.C.
meets 2nd Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm
The BCTR is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 1996. We have about 100 members from all of British Columbia, and almost every Triumph imported to Canada is represented. In addition to our formal monthly meetings, we organize a social event or tour every month. Interested Triumph owners and enthusiasts are invited to come to any of our meetings to meet the gang and participate.
Suite #346 435-2339 Highway 97N
Kelowna, B.C.
Canada V1X 4H9
Visit Our Web Site
P.O. Box 125
3456 Dunbar Street
Vancouver, BC
V6S 2C2 Canada
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