List of clubs - UK
to add your club send an email to jell or fill out this form
this page updated 22-Dec-99
Classic Motor Sports Club
Contact: Mrs S. Taylor, 37D Heathfield Road, Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2PH, Tel: 0181 871 3121
The Classic Saloon Car Club of GB
Contact: Peter Deffee, 7 Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton, Beds LU1 4AL, Tel: 01582 31642
Club of Ancient Automobiles & Rallies, Great Britain
Address: Nigel Woodyard, 152 Ware Road, Hoddesdon, Herts., EN11 9EX
Tel.: 01252 312416
Fax.: 01252 312416
www: Nigel's Home Page
Founded: 1989
Anual Fee: £ 25
Cars covered:
Historic Rally Car Register
Contact: Alison Woolley, Tibberton Court, Tibberton, Gloucestershire GL19 3AF, Tel: 01452 790648, Fax: 01452 790703
Historic Sports Car Club
Contact: Swindon Road, Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 5LY, Tel: 01249 758175, Fax: 758188
The RoadRunner Club
President: Kimberly Myers
Address: 20 Highdown Way, St Andrews Ridge, Blunsdon, Swindon, SN2 3YD
Tel.: 01793 700701
Fax.: 01793 700701
email: Kimberly Myers
Members: 600
Anual Fee: £ 10
Cars covered: All marques of cars built pre 1980 + modern sportscars.
Further Info: The RoadRunner Club organises one day runs, weekend
events and week long tours for people who enjoy "driving" their cars
rather than them being locked in the garage, behind the rope at a static
show. Touring all over the UK and Europe high quality cuisine and
excellent standards of accommodation is all taken care of. Come along
and join. THE PARTY ON WHEELS, for a full up-to-date list of events for
2000 - email us at
Vintage Sports Car Club
Contact: David Franklin, 121 Russell Road, Newbury, Berks RG14 5JX, Tel: 01635 44411, Fax: 01635 580612
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Please send comments, additions, & errors to jell
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