Riley Register UK
President: Alan Teeder
Address: J A Clarke, 56 Cheltenham Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, GL52 4LY Glos
Tel/Fax.: 01242 673598
email: Alan Teeder
www: Riley Register Home Page
Members: 1400
Founded: 1954
Anual Fee: UKP 22
Newsletter: A Newsletter containing "For Sale and Wanted" advertisements and other news items is circulated 8 times a year.
Cars covered: Riley up to 1940.
Further Info: The Riley Register was formed in June 1954 to keep owners of Coventry Rileys in
touch with each other and to help their maintain their cars in good order. To this end
special tools are available on loan and members may borrow manuals and literature from
the library. A spares service is operated by Riley Register Spares Ltd. Local sections
are active in most areas of the country. Informal meetings and functions are held as well
as an Annual National Rally at Coventry. A high quality Bulletin is published quarterly,
free to mebers, containing not only details of past and future events, but also technical
and historical articles and a lively correspondence column.