[Vintage-race] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Joe Guinan spitfirejoe at email.com
Thu Feb 13 21:10:20 MST 2014

RE: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

I've begun to notice that LinkedIn is behaving like a virtual spam bot lately, trying to burrow into our email systems and harvest our contacts. I get invitations from people I have only tiny bits of contact with. It looks like Stewart's LinkedIn account wants to invite Vintage-RaceATautox.team.net to join his network. LinkedIn doesn't seem to understand that it has invited an email list to join it, and thinks it is just an individual. It makes me wonder if I should drop my LinkedIn membership before it starts doing this type of thing even more.

Stewart - please understand that I am not criticizing you at all. I know this is just a spam bot kind of thing that LinkedIn is doing.

Joe Guinan
Fremont, NE

----------------------Original Message---------------------

Id like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Stewart

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