[Vintage-race] FW: HP Draw of Cooling Fans - 1275 'A' engine ?

John P jpetrush at sc.rr.com
Thu May 29 16:33:49 MDT 2008

I race an old Super Vee.  It never had an alternator to my knowledge.  I
don't much worry about overheating, but the ancient Bosch Motronic ignition
system sure gets surly at 11.99 volts.  All the battery maintenance takes
some of the fun out of the weekend - especially when your neighbor
inadvertently unplugs the power cord.

So, Any recommendations for an alternator for this application?  Would
prefer a small production unit but am open to all options.

John Petrush
Ex Bernard Jourdain Ralt RT-5 Super Vee

Jack Woehrle sagely spoke over the 'net:

">Just get a small alternator and a 2-bladed fan. You will not notice the  
>difference and you won't need to charge your battery all the time.
>Concentrate  on driving well rather than trying to save a micro horsepower.

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