[Vintage-race] Watches

steve steers ssteers at comcast.net
Tue May 29 21:11:56 MDT 2007

My daily watch is a 60s vintage Omega Seamaster chronograph. A manual
windup.  Bought it in Honolulu when living out there.  

I'll try the watch repair guy in Wilmette.  Thanks for the tip.

Steve Steers
58' Echidna 

-----Original Message-----
From: vintage-race-bounces at autox.team.net
[mailto:vintage-race-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Charles Christ
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:31 AM
To: Fisher or Elizabeth Jones; vintage-race at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Watches

HELLO ELIZABETH!  LOL! (young lady , stay out of that darn corner....
) fancy meeting you here! LOL!
ok,  watches eh?   about 3 years ago my father gave me his old watch in
nice rectangular spring open and closed presentation watch box wich as a
child caused one heck of a ruckus in my home when my late mother found
about it and i'd guess what it cost in 1960's dollars.  i wear it on
ocasion it's a "heuer" "autavia"chronograph (with original band too!).
father used it to time his laps in car!  now being the ungratefull child
am i thought , "great dad yer giving me an old watch!"    now since it
ties to my father's racing i keep it well protected!  and then i saw
ones without the wrist band and presentation box were going for...GASP!

and yes i have a few vintage pocket watches and some gold womens pendant
watches wich are family pieces put away.   
so now how many of you collect model trains...........i collect vintage
gauge (back to 30's era.   not the railroad era , the time of
of the model train item) 

"that darn orange saab"

> [Original Message]
> From: Fisher or Elizabeth Jones <fisher at hctc.net>
> To: <vintage-race at autox.team.net>
> Date: 5/29/2007 10:02:11 AM
> Subject: [Vintage-race] Watches
>    Good morning from a lurker,
>            This conversation about watches prompts my question.  I
>    my  husband an old silver pocket watch several years ago.  It was
>    in "Constantinople", today's Istanbul.  It needs cleaning, but it
>    needs  repair.   I  haven't been able to find anyone locally, close
>    San  Antonio   TX,  who  will  even touch it.  Do any of you know
of a
>    reputable  person  who  might  be  interested  in making the
>    repairs.   I  would  prefer  to  send it to someone with a
>    rather than just pot luck, and I haven't been successful so far.
>    thanks, and I'll go back in my corner now.
>    elizabeth
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Fisher or Elizabeth Jones
>    "A gentleman does not motor about after dark."  Joseph Lucas 1920
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