[Vintage-race] Morris Minor 1000

John Caffrey jdc6 at Lehigh.EDU
Fri May 11 12:53:04 MDT 2007

   Attached  is  Paul  A's (Morriservice) list of transmissions which fit
   Spridgets and Morris Minor.
   Fogelsville, PA
   Paul wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Morris Minor 1000

he's also the datsun trans
adapter kit guy for spridgets!
he can be reached at :   PAsgeirsson at compuserve.com

  I wish you guys would leave a few of those Datsun transmissions around for
us Datsun folks.  Any idea which tranny they use ?


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of All Datsun Trannies.pdf]

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