[Vintage-race] 2 way radios

Rick Starkweather rstarkweather at scottmadden.com
Wed Jun 13 09:21:15 MDT 2007


Radios work great and are a terrific aid for driver and crew.  Only
problem I have had is from Oak tree at VIR back to the front straight
(some break up).  Otherwise a strong signal.

Richard D. Starkweather
ScottMadden, Inc.
919-781-4191 (office)
919-345-9871 (mobile)

> Has anyone had any experience - either good or bad - with driver to
> radio communication?  I have heard that most systems can  operate only

> when there is line of sight between the transmitter and receptor.  If
> this is true, that would seem to invalidate their use at most road
> courses.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Dick Rothman
> Denver, Colorado

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