[TR] A-type to J-type !

stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org
Thu Oct 31 09:53:31 MDT 2024

Yes, keep the relay.  That takes load off of your ignition switch and eliminates the need to remove and rewire all that.


You could move the top cover from you’re A type setup to your new J -type setup and retain all the switches.  I have that on my J-type and I have 2nd-3rd-4th OD.


Glenn aka StagByTriumph Garage


From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of David Friedlander
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 1:12 PM
To: TR3 Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>; New England Triumphs <net at netriumphs.org>
Subject: [TR] A-type to J-type !


Gentlemen ~


My A-type transmission (which was installed in my '74 TR6 when I got it, many years ago), bit the dust. I have now swapped it out for a rebuilt J-type from John Esposito at Quantum Mechanics. Though the "new" transmission is now installed (with necessary modifications to the rear mounting bracket) mechanically, I have a few questions.  I am wondering if anyone else has changed from an A-type to a J-type. Among my questions is: Since the J-type uses no overdrive relay, what does one do with the wires that are presently connected to the OD relay my A-type needed? Also, since the A-type functions in 2nd, 3rd and fourth and the J-type only in 3rd and fourth, what happens with the "extra" wires at the interlock switches there?


Yes, I have Dan Masters' book... His section on Overdrives is very brief (pages 99 and 100) and doesn't really mention swapping out procedures.


Any help/insights on these and any other differences I may yet encounter that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Dave Friedlander

'74 TR6

'59 TR3A

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