[TR] Scissor Lift

DAVID MASSEY dave1massey at cs.com
Mon May 6 05:24:55 MDT 2024

My Quickjack warn against driving over them.  But, yeah, they are particularly convenient if you are repeatedly raising and lowering the car when working on something like exhaust.  26 seconds from full down to full up.



    On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 07:45:17 PM CDT, Tom Walling <pdqtr6 at comcast.net> wrote:  
   I also have a QuickJack (tm) which I like because it doesn't take up much space and runs on 110 v current. Their website is www.quickjack.com. Also, they are made in the USA if that's important to you. The 2 platforms that hold the car can accommodate either the wheels or by moving them a little closer, the frame rails or the body pan. When you're finished, they can be either left on the floor to be driven over or leaned against the wall or hung up.   
  On 05/02/2024 12:33 PM EDT Dave Connitt <dconnitt at fuse.net> wrote:          I have a quick Jack and like it. I just leave it on the garage floor and park my TR4A over it. I store the plastic blocks on a shelf and install those only when I use the lift. I bought mine at Costco on sale and it was delivered to my house. I posted a couple of YouTube videos about my lift if you want to see it in action.  Dave Connitt   1967 TR4A   YouTube channel: DavesTR4A   
  Sent from my iPhone   
 On May 2, 2024, at 12:26 PM, dave northrup <dave at ranteer.com> wrote: 
  I've had this EZcarlift for over a decade.   You can get different width cross pieces so it also works on my Infiniti.  They have sales so watch for that,  and occasionally one shows up on eBay.  It is not fully raised in this picture but there is plenty of room to slide around on a creeper.  BTW home depot sells a creeper/ stool that does both pretty well in one device          -------- Original message --------   From: Benjamin Zwissler <bjzwissler at gmail.com>   Date: 5/2/24 8:53 AM (GMT-06:00)   To: Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>, Shop-Talk List <shop-talk at autox.team.net>   Subject: [TR] Scissor Lift        Hello,      I'm considering a mid- or low-rise scissor lift to make access to interiors, brakes and suspension easier.  I find I avoid interior and dash work because its so low to the ground I struggle to get and stay that low for any length of time.  I already have a two-post lift so access to the underside isn't an issue, but access to the interior is difficult with the arms and post in the way of the door opening.       My concern is whether the popular brands will fit under Triumphs and similar cars.  Does anyone have any experience with these on our cars?  Specifically I'm concerned about the narrower width of our cars and that we can't lift on "pinch" welds like most modern cars.  Some come with arms and posts to select lift points, others come with rubber blocks to allow specific points to be used for lifting.       Here's the type of thing I'm looking at:       https://racetoolsdirect.com/product/tuxedo-mid-rise-scissor-lift/?com_cvv=81c269aab9bc5fc4177fabac3c77acd26f491510dd5f94a06570d6c819846581#       https://www.bestbuyautoequipment.com/amgo-hydr-mr06-6k-mid-rise-port-scissor-lift-p/MR06.htm       https://allautomotiveequipmentsupply.com/products/atlas-lr-06p-portable-low-rise-scissor-auto-lift-6000-lb?variant=14718685282359&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pRwIohns5akFIf0Ghh9gyDFhoF3llf7L61iKmxPBDar6qxmh_i0CzhoCFcwQAvD_BwE       I welcome any comments.       Thanks, Ben       
        Ben Zwissler  bjzwissler at gmail.com   812-343-5533  Columbus, IN          <20240502_103824.jpg>  ** triumphs at autox.team.net ** 
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