[TR] Storing my car - Triumphs Digest, Vol 17, Issue 59

Odd Hedberg odd at triumphclub.se
Fri May 3 04:29:20 MDT 2024

maybe not fully applicable to your situation since we're on different 
continents* - and
I do not know the intended length of your car storage, but if it's for 
less than a year:

A/ I usually fill the tank as full as it's technically possible** with 
E20ish petrol (it will
dissolve and absorb any and all condensate formed during the storage).  
During the
storage the fuel will (very slowly!) evaporate from the free surface 
area to the atmos-
phere - so it's a matter of getting that area as small as ever possible, 
preferably just
the area inside the filler pipe/hose.

I usually loose something like half a US gallon over the winter 
hibernation [October 1st
to, say May 15th] in any of the Triumphs when it's been filled up like 
this - and have no
problems with pooling condensate in the tank bottom...  As soon as the 
car is taken into
use again I do fill it with E05 only for the refill after that first 
jubilantly happy and sunny
drive of some 100+ km / 60+ miles...  And then I keep refilling with E05 
until the tank is

B/ If I were to store a car for far longer than just a winter 
hibernation I'd drain the en-
tire fuel system: tank, lines, carburettor(s) etc...

* Though I think winter hibernation storage is rather similar for all of 
us in wintery climates.

** The higher up the better!
But for my fuel injected TR8 it's not recommended to fill it so high one 
can see a standing
liquid level - since it will find a way into the evaporation collector 
charcoal and ruin it over

On 2024-05-03 at 05:26 triumphs-request at autox.team.net wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 18:46:20 +0000
From: Cliff Hansen <cliff_hansen at outlook.com>
To: list Triumph <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] Storing my car

I will be storing my TR4A for the next year.
What's the group's advice - store with empty or full fuel tank?



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